Former beauty queen/Playmate Lindsey Gayle looks great in a bikini (go figure)

Posted at 19.09 by Interior

Former beauty queen/Playmate Lindsey Gayle looks great in a bikini (go figure)

Lindsey Gayle 005 Former beauty queen/Playmate Lindsey Gayle looks great in a bikini (go figure)
It's easy to see why she won awards...
Lindsey Gayle is the latest sexy lady to grace the cover and pages of Rukus magazine. And as usual I say to the lads over at Rukus, well done. I have to admit I am not familiar with Ms. Lindsey, so let’s go to the Interwebs and see what we can find out, okay? Hmmmm… no Lindsey Gayle to be found. Oh, here we go… Lindsey Gayle Evans was Playboy Playmate of the Month in October 2009. Good. She also held held the title of Miss Louisiana Teen USA 2008. Also good. She was third runner up in the Miss Teen USA 2008 pageant. Excellent… Ruh roh… Looks like Lindsey lost her Miss Louisiana Teen and her third runner-up status due to a little brush with John Law. Now I like her even more. Is that wrong?

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